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Art of Promoting an Affiliate Product On Your Blog

One of these days you’re going to have to implement what you have learned & start promoting products. Now, is the perfect time to get into action mode & learn the art of promoting a product on your blog. Do remember, there are other ways of promotions (like PPC marketing, Email marketing , etc). But for now, I will be focusing on promoting via blogs, and later on you can use any other method to quadruplate (new word!) your earnings. At the end of this chapter, I will also be sharing one mistake which many innocent affiliate marketers are making & how to fix that mistake . To start, let’s learn the art of affiliate product promotion using your own blog. Review post: Nothing beats a killer review post about a product to drive conversions via your affiliate link. A review article introduces the product to your blog readers, and at the same time, your opinions and experiences will help them to understand why they should be buying it. There are a few things that you s...
Create Viral Websites – PurX Viral Site Builder August 15, 2020  by  sudicheng Do you want to create viral websites? Here’s a review of Purx, a cloud based viral site builder app that creates both standalone and WordPress viral websites for you with the click of a button. The fact is viral content is one of the best ways to engage an audience, generate and drive traffic. With Purx, you can get fresh content and videos in any niche from authority sites on complete autopilot and then monetize them with Adsense, CPA and affiliate offers for passive income 24/7. Create Viral Sites – Check Out A Few Sites Created Here! Purx is loaded with some powerful features to create viral websites. Take a look at the list below: Get fresh, unique and trending viral content relevant to your niche Self updating viral websites that automatically updates every 5 minutes, 24 hours, or anything in-between for fresh viral content Supports RTL Text Direction meaning that your websites can be read by o...

How To Select the Best Affiliate Product for Your Blog

To be a successful affiliate marketer, you need to pick, and promote, the right product on your blog. 76% of newbie affiliate marketers fail to earn any money from affiliate marketing because they never pick the right product to promote. Having success in affiliate marketing is not easy, but it's also not that hard. You need to be persistent, consistent, and have a proper marketing plan . If you do these three things, you will be successful in affiliate marketing. Some of the factors that define whether you succeed or fail are:  What affiliate products you are promoting?  What medium you are using to promote them?  How good is your sales funnel?  Are you targeting the right audience?  Do you have a plan or are you working on a ‘hit or miss’ strategy? The reason why I’ve earned millions from affiliate marketing is because I only promote products that I have personally tested and used. There was a time when I promoted things without testing them. These products were not g...

What You Need to Get Started with Affiliate Marketing

I will now share with you all the important topics to become a master of affiliate marketing. But first, let’s take some baby steps which will help you to get the basics down right from start. One can begin affiliate marketing using any form of digital marketing. Examples of affiliate websites:  Blog which educates readers  Coupon based site  Product comparison site  Niche Amazon site (designed specifically for Amazon affiliate earnings) Other techniques:  PPC marketing (via Facebook ads or Google AdWords)  Email marketing o typically used with blogging or PPC but can be done separately Note: These are some popular methods used by affiliate marketers. Do remember, it’s not limited to only what’s listed above. Once you master this course, you are free to discover your own mediums for affiliate marketing. I prefer educating users & recommending products that I personally use or have used in the past. Once you have learned the in’s & out’s of affiliate marketing, y...